Thank you for helping community cats by supporting Spay Our Strays!
Your donation allows us to help community cats in and around Lexington, KY by providing Trap Neuter Return services and assisting caretakers with the cats' basic needs.
Checks can be made out to Spay Our Strays and mailed to:
PO Box 21965
Lexington, KY 40522
Ear Tip Angels
Become an Ear Tip Angel by signing up for recurring monthly giving! For as little as $5 a month, you are helping us save lives.
On our PayPal page, click or enter an amount and select "Make this a monthly donation."
These are recommended giving levels based on our expenses, though all amounts $5 and over are welcome!
$30 = one male neuter, vaccines, dewormer, flea/tick
$50 = one week of Meow Mix for the 100+ community cats we feed
$70 = one female spay, vaccines, dewormer, flea/tick
$100 = one male + one female
Recurring donations are the most impactful and sustainable way to give!
we feed over 100 cats who have been through our TNR program!
Cats that come through our clinic, are always fed, sheltered and cared for! We distribute winter cat shelters and cat food & we need your help. Please consider donating from:
Kroger Community Rewards
Enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards program, and you can help the animals every time you shop!
Make Spay Our Strays Inc. your charity of choice when you enroll by entering our NPO Number:
A Kroger Plus Card is required to participate. Sign up for a Plus Card at the customer service desk at any Kroger store or below!